Cayucos Pier

Cayucos Pier
Sunrise under the Cayucos Pier

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San Luis Obispo, CA, United States

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Morro Bay

Sue, Sam and I journeyed to Morro Bay for a shot of the sunset, sandspit and sailboats. Instead we got fog moving in, fog moving in and still more fog moving in.  I started to pack up when I looked to my left and saw this scene. It lasted for about 60 seconds before the background light went away.


  1. This is really my favorite. "Timing is everything."

  2. Or as a wise man once said, "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally."

  3. I think this may just be my favorite too! For sure you are my new favorite artist/photographer! Don't forget us little people when you are famous!

